How to Use Your Website to Attract the Right Clients and Repel the Wrong Ones

There is the saying that when you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one.

I've found this to be true in the translation world, and I know a lot of colleagues who have as well.

And while it's very important to take steps to attract clients with your website (more on that here and here), it's just as important to repel clients who are not a good fit for you and your business.

It's not your job to please everyone. In fact, it's good if you don't.

“But I need work!” you might say.

I get it. Trust me, I do.

But it's not sustainable to run a business where your customers and target market fall into the category of “everyone.”

So, how can you use your website to attract the right clients and repel the wrong ones?

Once you can pinpoint who your ideal clients are, it becomes easier to figure out which ones who are not a good fit for you.

So, how can you do both effectively and respectfully?

Here are my tips on how to make sure you do this well.

  • Showcase your niche(s)/specialization(s)

In other words, don't call yourself a generalist, even if you're a new translator or you believe yourself to be a generalist for the most part.

Just because you may have a variety of clients from more than one industry, you can still narrow down the type of work you do into a couple of specialized areas.

I ask my website course students to do this when we first start working together, and may of them tell me, “I've been working in a niche that I didn't even realize I'm in!” or “My ideal client base became much more clear when I looked my area of specialization and who I enjoy working with.


This is what you want!

By taking the time to truly define your niche(s)/specialization(s), you are setting yourself up to work only with clients in those main areas that you enjoy. Of course, if one comes along who does not fit your area(s) of specialization, you can make the call to work with them or not, depending on how comfortable you are with the content.

But the sooner you specialize, the sooner you can repel the clients who

  • don't have a decent budget

  • have unreasonable expectations

  • simply don't fit the area(s) in which you want to work

By being very clear about what you do and for whom you work, it will be easier to repel those clients who are less than ideal.

  • Avoid mentioning the type of work you don't wish to do

This may seem like a no-brainer, but I've seen so many translators who advertise an area of specialization or a type of client work on their website that they would actually prefer to stop doing.

They tell me that they continue to mention it because they don't want to seem inexperienced or close any doors.

"What if that's the only type of work I have right now?"

And here's where I'd say…

"If you don't want to take on a certain type of translation work, then stop talking about (and accepting) it. The longer you do, the longer you'll attract that kind of work."

This concept can be carried over to your résumé, too. If you prefer not to handle certain types of documents or niche areas, it's best not to even mention them on your CV.

Instead, focus on the type of work you do want and you'll start to attract more of it.

  • Craft copy that speaks directly to the type of client you wish to attract, and avoid writing copy for those who no longer serve your career goals

I mention this a lot on the blog and in my T&I Website Blueprint course. It is vital to direct all your marketing efforts, including your web copy and design, to speak to your ideal clients.

Talk directly to them, addressing their challenges and pain points, and show how you can help solve them.

Just as you should avoid mentioning the type of work you don't want to take on, you should also avoid appealing to clients with whom you don't wish to start a business relationship.

Again, this may sound obvious, but if your web copy is attracting clients you no longer wish to work with on a regular basis, then it might be time to review and revise it.

Pay attention to the language you use, and make sure it's fitting for the type of client you want to attract more of in the long run.

  • Are you using terms your client would use? Remember that this is different than the terms we use in our own profession!

  • Are you speaking directly to the challenges they face and how you can help them overcome these challenges?

If so, you're on the right track!

For more copy tips, check out my formula for crafting effective web copy for your translation or interpreting website.

  • Check your mindset

If you're going to attract your ideal clients, you have to come to terms with repelling clients, too.

Not everyone should be a good fit for you.

So, the next time you're at a party, and someone asks, "You're a translator? So, who are your clients?", try not to give the answer I've heard time and again: "Anyone who needs a [target language] translation."


"Anyone" is not your ideal client.

The more specific and specialized you are when you describe yourself and your work (both in your marketing copy and when you talk about your services), the more you will attract your ideal clients.

It's okay that not every client is the right fit for you.

This is a good thing. It means that you don't serve everyone.

And honestly, who can?! Wouldn't that be exhausting?

It's important to recognize this and decide how you will start to actively attract and repel clients.

By making a conscious effort to market to clients by appealing to them directly, you will inevitably start to repel those who are not your target audience. Instead of worrying about losing potential work or income, use the time you would be spending on that client's work by looking for better clients or handling jobs for clients you already value.

Do you have any tips to share with colleagues on how to attract the right clients or repel the wrong ones?



How to Care for the Health of Your Translation or Interpreting Business during the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID-19 Series)


The Formula for Crafting Effective Copy for Your Translation or Interpreting Website